
The Owl is Santa Clara University’s undergraduate-only, student-run literary arts publication. We encourage submissions from all current undergraduates at SCU in any medium or genre: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, music, film, photography, visual art, and so on. Whatever you create, we hope to publish!

Submissions to santaclaraowl@gmail.com are encouraged year-round. However, for consideration in next year’s annual printed chapbook, please submit all work by February 16, 2025.

Follow us on Instagram @santaclaraowl.

The Owl is a sister publication to the Santa Clara Review, one of the oldest literary publications in the Western U.S.


Meet the Staff

Giancarlo De León Argueta


Giancarlo De León Argueta is a senior studying English with a minor in theatre arts. He’s dramatic as hell, but that’s just practice for acting, so don’t mind him. He loves playing and writing music, organizing events for the students, and playing video games. He can be found under any tree on campus pretending to read to look smart and re-reading the same paragraph cause “he didn’t picture it right.” The Owl gave him purpose and an opportunity to lead a team of brilliant students, so he loves it with all his heart.

Mia Villanueva Associate Editor

Hi, I’m Mia, Associate Editor at The Owl! I am a senior Communications major with an emphasis in Film and a minor in Creative Writing. I love The Owl because it brought me the amazing literary community that I’ve been searching for my whole life.

Maddie Vitanza

Assistant Editor

Maddie Vitanza is a junior student at Santa Clara who is double-majoring in English and French Studies. She is super passionate about writing of any kind (but above all the creative genre) and can often be found ranting about Chat GPT to anyone who will listen (“It’s the death of the individual voice, guys!”). In addition to her post at The Owl, Maddie works as a partner at the HUB to aid students in any area of the writing process (go and visit her!!!). When not engrossed in the lovely work of her peers, Maddie enjoys sketching, scribbling half-baked poetry, and sipping strong cups of tea. Also, she makes a mean scrambled egg.

Elyse Kenyon

Assistant Editor

Elyse is a junior majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in English. She is excited to be working for The Owl once again before studying abroad in New Zealand this coming spring. Their favorite part of the job is reading and editing literary works, and you’ll often find her studying in SCDI or reading on the beach.

Valerie Braylovskiy Assistant Editor

Valerie is a junior majoring in communications and minoring in creative Writing. As a transfer student, she’s excited to get involved in the art community at SCU and work for The Owl. She’s a poet and has a published chapbook called Half-Life that is available on Amazon!.  In her free time she loves thrifting in SF, driving along highway 1, and eating bean burritos.